Saturday, 4 October 2014

Mum vs SWAT team

Mum vs SWAT team

The state of Michigan has attempted to prosecute a mother for refusing to drug her daughter. Detroit mother, Maryanne Godboldo, decided to carefully wean her daughter off psychiatric drugs which were causing the child severe reactions. This prompted Detroit officials to launch a Special Weapons and Tactics team to deal with the mother.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), the world's leading mental health watchdog, is now at the launch pad: firing off an in-depth investigation into Michigan’s draconian mental health policies.

Read Investigative Reporter Kelly Patricia O’Meara's full article:

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Lois C. Henderson said...

What were the alternatives for the handling of the girl? Would she have had to have been institutionalized? Society does need to be safeguarded from people who might run amok at any instant. While one feels for the girl and for her Mom, the rest of society requires protecting, too.

Eamonn Gosney said...

"What were the alternatives for the handling of the girl?"

"Society does need to be safeguarded from people who might run amok at any instant."

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