Friday, 27 June 2014

The Two Bang Theory

The way the physical universe works: There exists what could be described as a 'cosmic balloon'. This 'cosmic balloon', which comprises all the matter of the galaxies and everything in-between, keeps expanding until it reaches 'bursting point', at which point it explodes (bursts). This 'explosion' we will call 'Bang Two'. We are currently living in the universe's expansion phase, prior to the time when 'Bang Two' will take place.

After 'Bang Two' (an explosion, the 'cosmic balloon' bursting) a retraction phase commences, which eventually culminates in what we will call 'Bang One'. The process which leads to 'Bang One' is pretty much like the creation of an enormous black hole, where all the matter which exists, compresses to such an extent, that a point where it can no longer be compressed is reached, at which time an explosion occurs. Then the cycle repeats, with the universe commencing its expansion phase once again. ('Bang One' is what is commonly called 'The Big Bang').

This has been going on for a long time (eternity). The physical universe is basically an eternal machine.


Sunday, 30 June 2014


Creation of the 'Cosmic Balloon'

The 'fabric' of the 'Cosmic Balloon' (in the universe's expansion phase) is slowly undergoing transformation.

The major development stages the 'fabric' will pass through, from flat to curved to closed, we will call: 'Exp-Flat' (Expansion - Flat Stage), 'Exp-Hyp' (Expansion - Hyperbolic Stage), and 'Exp-Closed" (Expansion - Closed Stage).

We are living in the first of these:'Exp-Flat'. With further universal expansion, 'Exp-Flat' will gradually develop to become 'Exp-Hyp' and with still more expansion, will eventually reach 'Exp-Closed'.

In the diagram at (about halfway down the page next to the text on 'Flatness problem') one can see these drawn. Shown from top to bottom: closed universe, hyperbolic universe, and flat universe.

The Omega cosmological parameter is '1' in our current flat universe, will become '<1' (less than one) in the coming hyperbolic universe, and then reach '>1' (more than one) in the final closed universe, when 'Bang Two' will occur. 

Image Credit: Microsoft

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